Friday, December 9, 2011

Experience the City

This was a fun side project for which I was required to make a piece drawing on a provided set of clipart for images. I decided to use New York as the city because its the first big city that comes to mind, and because I had originally wanted to use a quote about New York but ended up scrapping it.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Self Promo

Our final project was to create a Self Promo piece. I couldn't decide what direction to go with mine because while my major is Graphic Design, my close second choice is Biblical Studies (and I may go to Seminary after I graduate), so I decided to do a take of the "left-right brain" concept, and show both my creative side and my Bible side. I printed this 2 ft by 3ft.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

David's Coffeshop

I had to create an ad using some of Gestalt's principles based off of a logo I created earlier this year. The primary Gestalt principles used in this piece are proximity and similarity.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Narrative

We had to create a magazine cover, table of contents and spread. I made mine about missions work worldwide, basing the headlines and information from stories from

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fourth of July

I had to create a piece in the style of an art period of my choice. I chose Victorian because it looked like a lot of fun, and I just enjoyed the look of them. I decided on the 50th anniversary of the Fourth of July because it seemed like a good subject for a 2 ft by 3 ft poster and I could do something fun and colorful with it.

Randy Alcorn

These are book cover designs for Randy Alcorn's series of books called Deadline, Dominion, and Deception.

Mere Christianity

A cover redesign for C.S. Lewis' book, "Mere Christianity."

Wage War

This is a type poster created using 1 Peter 2:11.


We had to create a project using Gestalt's Principles. I decided to make an infographic briefly illustrating Liberty University's history. The principles I incorporated into this piece are proximity, similarity, and continuance.


Our assignment was to create a piece based on the art theory, Constructivism. Basically, we had to create something that upon a second glance revealed something beyond the surface. In mine, I illustrated a farm scene, and used the elements in the picture to spell the word, "Farm." Brilliant. I know.