Saturday, October 20, 2012

New Design Identity

This is my new design logo, created in portfolio class for professional us. I decided to go with this design because I felt that it best represented me as a designer. I am a logical person who likes order and organization, and I'm very good at the technical side of things and have been able to grasp the programs I use fairly quickly. However, I'm also creative and enjoy creating designs that are colorful and engaging. The square shapes involved in the symbol represent my organizational personality, as well as my love for the technical side of design in that they are a reference the pixels that are the basis of everything that we see on screen as we're creating out designs. The colors represent creativity, and the progression was chosen with a warm color scheme in mind to feel engaging. The squares are also arranged in an abstracted combination of my initials, "dp."

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

ESL Retreat T-Shirt: Life Connections

This is a t-shirt design for a yearly retreat in the Czech Republic put together by missionaries who work there for the families to whom they teach English during the rest of the year. Their theme this year is Life Connections. The first picture is the design by itself, the second is how it might look on a t-shirt, the third is an alternate design with more color.

Friday, July 20, 2012

How to be Hipster

This is a fun project I did over the summer, poking a little fun at Hipsters (as I perceive them). No offense intended to anyone that this may describe a little too well!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Grandpa Illustration

This is an illustration that I made off of a sketch I scanned into the computer. It resembles no one in particular, but I just wanted to make a friendly, grandpa-looking man; and I thought the surprised expression was funny. This is the first time I've done an illustration like this, and I think it turned out nicely.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

CVU Fundraising Brochure

A friend and I teamed up to create this brochure for Central Virginia United Soccer League in Lynchburg. Its a four panel bi-fold 8.5x11in brochure.



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Oasis Church Bulletin Sleeve

This was a simple, last-minute bulletin sleeve for Oasis Church that was eventually printed B&W.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Amazement Square Ad Series

After each member of our group created their own logo, we all collaborated and chose one for our whole group to run with and modified it a little bit. Then we each created our a series of three ads for Amazement Square. I created four: the first as an overall ad displaying various aspects of Amazement Square, the other three each focused in one one of the three words in the headline.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Amazement Square ID System

For my Advanced Graphics class, our group has to create an integrative campaign for Amazement Square, including an identity system, ad series and booklet. Amazement Square is a non-profit, multi-disciplinary, interactive museum that teaches kids about art, history, and science in a fun and hands-on way.

While amazement square is a place for kids, the logo needs to appeal to the parents who may send their children there by looking professional but also fun and kid-like. I achieved this balance through the fontography, using Century Gothic and Mistral for "amazement" and "square" respectively. The squares are a play on the name of the place, and the colors reflect their child-centered mission.

Below are both sides of the business cards.